Tuesday, February 17, 2009

We're having a ...

... Girl!!
We had our second ultrasound today and found out that it's a girl!! (Let's hope 4 photos from various angles don't lie!) Josh and I were really excited and just completely in awe of modern technology. You could actually see her (!) touch her toes with her hands, move her head back and forth and even kick a little bit.

All the major parts seem to be working - brain, heart, spinal cord, bones, fingers and toes all look good. The doppler (which really looks like the weather forecast) showed good blood circulation and sunny skies ahead. We could see the heart beating like crazy - totally incredible.

Here's some pictures - there's two profile shots and one shot of the feet using the traditional sonogram and then there's one shot of her face with the 3D technology. The 3D one is a little blurry because she kept putting her hands in the shot. It's easier to see if you step back a bit...kind of like one of those "Magic Eye" posters at the mall.

Since we spilled the beans on the gender, we have decided to keep her name a secret until the birth. In the meantime, feel free to come up with more suggestions. They seem to just be getting weirder and weirder!

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